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Production Data entry using Controller

Learn to capture the production data using the asset controller feature of SFactrix application

Harry avatar
Written by Harry
Updated over a week ago

What is Asset Controller in SFactrix application?

Asset Controller is a functionality in SFactrix to simulate the asset or machine status and productivity through application when the machine is not connected through IoT. If the machine or asset is connected with SFactrix through IoT Connectivity, manual entry of asset status, production quantity and rejection are not required. If you use only the SFactrix application as just software for simulating practice situation of the assets, then you need Asset Controller to generate the data and intelligence. Based on the asset controller events (user simulated) metrics are drawn which helps in calculating the machine performance, availability, machine runtime and downtime, OEE etc.

Asset Controller shall helps to keep track on the quantity of production and rejections counts at real-time. Capturing the production counts will help in calculating the production efficiency (Quantity vs Quality) and performance. The graphs displayed on the dashboard of SFactrix is based on the data captured through Asset Controller or Operator Mobile App or IoT Connectivity with machines. Hence, it is important to meticulously operate the Asset Controller to produce meaningful data/data metrics to get more meaningful and practical reports from the SFactrix application.

What is the importance of Asset Controller operations in SFactrix?

Asset Controller enables to capture the realtime data of your factory floor operations and provides valuable insights on the factory performance. The importance of Asset Controller module in SFactrix are:

  1. Helps view the asset machine conditions at real-time.

  2. Accurately capture machine metrics and performance.

  3. Helps in calculating the machine performance, asset availability, OEE of the system, and production quality.

  4. Helps in understanding the efficiency of operator and machines.

  5. Keeps track of the number of quality products and the scrap items produced.

  6. With the Quantity vs quality graph, manufacturers can take decisions on the asset performance.

  7. With the real-time scrap quantity depicted, manufacturers can take necessary steps to improve the production quality.

How to start the Job through Asset Controller in SFactrix?

When the machine is connected to SFactrix through IoT connectivity, Asset status get updated automatically. If it is not connected through IoT Gateway and when the machine starts production by operator, then operator or supervisor should follow the below steps to start the Asset / Job.

  • Login to your account by going to

  • Click on 'Asset Controller' on the Dashboard page (top right corner)

  • Select a valid Job (Job which lies in the current date) from the drop-down menu. Once you selected the Job, the asset linked to the Job will automatically be displayed.

  • Click on 'Start' button on the Asset Controller to indicate that asset or machine is in running state. If the machine is already running physically, then just click the button to start the process.

  • This starts the Job, and the status on the Asset Controller changes to 'Running'.

Now the job is running on the machine (virtually). If the same running through IoT Connectivity, then the asset status will be updated by the IoT inputs automatically. However operator should record the number of quantity produced and scrap through SFactrix web app or SFactrix Operator mobile app. The progress of the job is depending on the inputs received through SFactrix application.

How to stop the Asset / Job running in SFactrix?

When the machine is connected to SFactrix and when the machine stops production, follow the below steps to stop the Job.

  • Login to your account by going to

  • Click on 'Asset Controller' on the Dashboard page

  • Select a valid Job (Job which lies in the current date) from the drop-down menu. Once you select the Job, the asset linked to the Job will automatically be displayed.

  • Click on 'Stop' button on the Asset Controller. (You can stop the Job only when the Job is in 'Running' condition).

  • This stops the selected Job and the status of the Asset Controller shows 'Stopped'.

How to set Break to a Job in SFactrix?

Staff breaks like the lunch break, toilet break, or any planned breaks can be scheduled with 'Break' option in Asset Controller. This will be categorized as planned downtime.

Follow the below steps to indicate 'Break' in SFactrix.

  • Login to your account by going to

  • Click on 'Asset Controller' on the Dashboard page

  • Select a valid Job (Job which lies in the current date range) to which the asset is linked to from the drop-down menu. Once you select the Job, the asset linked to the Job will automatically be displayed.

  • Click on 'Break' button on the Asset Controller.

Below graph shows the live data metrics displayed on the dashboard which is drawn based on the operations on the Asset Controller.

Green - Indicates the Run Time of the asset (when 'Start' is set in the Asset Controller).

Yellow - Indicates the Planned Downtime (when 'Break' is set in the Asset Controller)

Red - Indicates the Unplanned Downtime (when 'Fault' is set in the Asset Controller)

('Fault' feature of Asset Controller is explained in the next article)

What's next?

Once you have learned how to start, stop and set break to the job on the Asset Controller portal, next step is to learn how to set fault status in SFactrix. When there is fault in the asset, the fault can be indicated through the asset controller.

To learn more on how to use 'Fault' from the asset controller in SFactrix, click on the link below.

For any feedback and enquires on the functionalities of the Asset Controller, write to our support team at [email protected]

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