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How to Access Asset 360 in Fogwin CMMS Platform.
How to Access Asset 360 in Fogwin CMMS Platform.

Learn how to access the Asset360 feature in the Fogwing asset+ Platform.

Pooja Shetty avatar
Written by Pooja Shetty
Updated over a week ago

The Asset 360 feature in Fogwing CMMS Platform empowers you with a holistic view of your assets, enhancing your ability to manage and maintain them effectively. It provides a comprehensive, real-time view of your assets, allowing for better monitoring, management, and maintenance. This documentation will guide you through accessing and utilizing the Asset 360 feature effectively.

1. How do we access Asset 360 in the Fogwing CMMS Platform?

Steps to access Asset 360 in the Fogwing CMMS:

  • Login to your Fogwing Asset+ account by visiting

  • Click on the Asset menu item present on the menu bar.

  • Once you are on the Assets page, click on the three dots under the action section for the Asset for which you want to access the Asset 360 feature.

  • Click on the Asset360 option.

  • You will be navigated to the Asset360 page.

  • The asset Info tab provides the complete asset-related details.

  • You can edit the asset details by clicking on the edit button.

  • Click the edit button in the Specification section to edit the asset specification.

  • The 'Ownership' table on the Asset360 page helps organizations improve clarity and transparency regarding asset ownership. The table will list all customer users associated with a particular asset, allowing users to identify ownership rights quickly.

  • Click the edit button in the Parts Associated section to edit the parts associated with the Asset.

  • Click on the maintenance tab to view the maintenance-related details of the selected Asset.

  • View the count of maintenance activity for the period of the last six months only.

  • Download the maintenance trend graph of the previous six months by clicking the download icon.

  • Download the trend graph in the SVG, PNG, and CSV formats by clicking on it.

  • View the Maintenance history of the particular Asset in the maintenance history section of Asset 360.

  • To create a maintenance work order, click on the Create WO button.

  • To view the maintenance history details, click on the three dots against the maintenance history and click the view option.

  • Click on the Reliability tab to view the asset reliability.

  • View the health Score, MTTR, MTBF, Downtime, and TOC of the particular Asset for six months.

  • Download the availability trend graph for the last six months by clicking the download icon.

  • View the Top 5 Faults that occurred in the last six months.

  • View the Top 5 Expensive Parts Used in the last six months.

  • Click on the Metering tab to view the details related to asset metering.

  • Please take a look at the total meter reading, manual reading, IoT reading, and work order triggered for the particular Asset over the past six months.

  • Click on the Add Metering Button to add the meter reading for the particular asset.

  • Add metering form will open. Fill in the metering details and click the submit button.

  • Please take a look at the maintenance history of the selected Asset.

  • Click on the View icon to view the details of the metering history.

  • View Reeding form will appear.

  • Click on the Files tab to view the files attached to the assets.

  • Please take a look at the files associated with the Asset.

  • Click on the action button to download the files.

For any feedback and enquires on the functionalities of the plant in Fogwing CMMS, write to our support team at [email protected]

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