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Get started with SFactrix MES

Learn to access SFactrix MES for digitalization of factory-floor.

shimpi das avatar
Written by shimpi das
Updated over a week ago

How to Get Started with SFactrix? is the IoT-enabled smart manufacturing execution system (MES) that helps manufacturers to digitalize and automate factory floor operations. Once you create an account in, a ''Getting Started'' page appears that shows your account completeness. you can then set up your manufacturing organization setup by creating/adding your plant, assets, and parts under the account setting section on the ''Getting Started'' page.

Steps to view ''Getting Started'' page in SFactrix:

  • Login to your account in

  • On logging in to your SFactrix account, a ''Getting started'' page will appear.

SFactrix Getting started page

What is the 'Getting Started'' page in SFactrix?

The “Getting Started'' page displays the account progress path associated with the account completeness. Your account completeness is based on three factors: Overview, Account creation, and Account settings. As of SFactrix V2.21, you can now directly create and assign work orders to the operators by creating a Plant, Asset, and Part in the SFactrix Platform through the getting started page.

Note: SFactrix is simplified now. SFactrix can be accessed now in just 3 simple steps: by creating plants, assets, and parts under the Account settings of ''Getting Started'' page.

Account settings in SFactrix

The ''Getting Started'' page displays the account completeness percentage. If the plants, assets, and parts are created under the organization settings, the ''Getting Started'' page shows the account completeness status as 100%.

How to create, assign, and execute work orders through the ''Getting Started'' page?

  • Login to your account in | Login

  • on the getting started page, click on production execution, under Production Management.

  • Go to create work order and click 'Let's create' button.

  • Next, go to assign work order, and click on 'Let's create' button.

  • Then go to production control and click on 'Let's create' button to execute your work order through digital production controls.

Create work order in SFactrix

To learn more about how to create, edit and assign work orders on SFactrix, go through this guide, Work Order Management using SFactrix | Fogwing Help Center - Tutorials and Documentation

How to upgrade your SFactrix subscription plan from the SFactrix application?

SFactrix MES is available as Software as a Service on the cloud for a month-on-month subscription. SFactrix now provides its users with a fully integrated payment gateway at the application level. You can upgrade your subscription plan anytime from anywhere.To upgrade your subscription plan, you can follow the simple steps below.

  • On the getting started page, click on the upgrade button.

upgrade subscription of SFactrix
  • The subscription plans page will appear.

  • Choose your suitable plan and click on the upgrade button.

  • Now click on proceed to check out bar.

  • Make the payment by providing your registered email ID.

  • You have successfully upgraded to your subscription plan.

    What's next?

    Once you are done with the subscription, connect your factory assets as per your plan, to avail the complete digitalization experience with SFcatrix MES.

    If you are interested to learn about SFactrix application and its feature, you may watch the demo video posted on our YouTube channel here:

    For any feedback and queries on the functionalities of the work order, write to our support team at [email protected]

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