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Manufacturing Orders

Learn to create and manage manufacturing orders in SFactrix.

Pooja Shetty avatar
Written by Pooja Shetty
Updated over 2 years ago

Manufacturing orders are given by customers or internal team to produce and deliver products to customers. It is essential to create manufacturing orders to progress in production activities against delivery timelines.

Pre-condition – Plant, Asset, and Parts shall be created in SFactrix prior to creating a manufacturing Order. You should be an account admin, or plant manager to create a manufacturing order.

How to create your Manufacturing Orders?

  • Login to your account by going to

  • From the settings page, under 'Actions', click on the ‘Manufacturing Order’ card.

create manufacturing order

  • Click the ‘Add manufacturing Order’ button on the manufacturing order page.

    Add manufacturing order.

  • The 'Add manufacturing Order' form will appear. Fill the form with proper data as shown below.

    Add manufacturing order

  • Click the 'Submit' button. You will have successfully created the Manufacturing Order.

Please note the details of each mandatory parameter required to complete the manufacturing order creation.



Manufacturing Order Name

Name the Manufacturing Order based on the type of orders received.

Manufacturing Order Code

Enter a unique code for the Manufacturing Order's identification purpose.

Part/item code

Choose the part code from the drop-down menu for which the manufacturing order is created.

Work order quantity

Enter the quantity in units to be produced. Manufacturing order quantity should be less than or equal to the 'Monthly capacity of production' while creating the plant.

How to edit/update the Manufacturing Order?

You should be an account admin or plant manager, belonging to the same plant to edit the manufacturing order.

Steps to edit/update Manufacturing Order in SFactrix:

  • Use your credentials andlog inn to your account.

  • From the settings page, under 'Actions', click on the work orders card.

edit manufacturing order in SFactrix
  • 'Manufacturing Order' display page will appear.

  • Click the ‘Edit’ icon on the manufacturing order you wish to edit/update.

    update manufacturing order
  • Make the necessary edits/update to manufacturing order specifics.

  • Click on the ‘Update’ button to save the changes.

Edit/update Manufacturing Order

How to assign a Manufacturing Order to a particular plant?

The Manufacturing order can be created without any association with the factory by the user. However, to make the work orders created, manufacturing orders should be assigned to a factory.

the following steps are required for assigning manufacturing orders to a particular plant.

  • Go to the manufacturing order Page and click on the three dots under the Action column.

  • Next, click on 'Assign Manufacturing Order', and the manufacturing order page will appear.

    Assign Manufacturing order in SFactrix

  • Uncheck 'No Assignee', choose the particular plant from the drop-down list to which you wish to assign the manufacturing order.

  • Click on the 'Update' button. You will have successfully assigned the manufacturing order.

    Assign Manufacturing order in SFactrix

How to delete a Manufacturing Order?

You should be an account admin or plant manager belonging to the same plant to delete the manufacturing order. You need to delete the work orders linked to the manufacturing order before deleting the manufacturing order.

Steps to delete Work Order in SFactrix:

  • Login to your account.

  • Click on ‘Manufacturing Orders’ card from the settings page, under Actions.

Delete manufacturing order in SFactrix
  • 'Part/Item' display screen will appear.

  • Click on the ‘Edit’ icon on the Manufacturing Order you wish to delete.

  • Click the ‘Delete’ button on the 'Edit Manufacturing Order' page to delete the selected manufacturing order.

    Delete manufacturing order in SFactrix

  • Click on the ‘Yes’ button when you receive a pop-up stating, ‘Are you sure to delete (Manufacturing Order Name)?''. This deletes the chosen Manufacturing Order.

delete manufacturing order

Understanding the summary cards of Manufacturing order:

The four 'Status' cards are displayed at the top of the manufacturing order page. These cards will display the summary of manufacturing orders based on their status. The status of the manufacturing order is dependent on the status of the work orders associated with it. This manufacturing order status depends on the extent of work carried out in completing the orders assigned.

  • Following is the description of each manufacturing order status.



Yet to start

When you create the manufacturing order and work orders linked to the manufacturing order has not started.

In Progress

When the work orders linked to the manufacturing order has started the production.


When the production for the assigned quantity is completed by the work order linked to the manufacturing order.


When the date set for the manufacturing order is expired and the quantity assigned for production is not complete.

Following are the different status levels description against each manufacturing order.

Why am I unable to delete the Manufacturing Order?

  1. You can delete the manufacturing order only when the work order linked to the manufacturing order are completed/deleted.

  2. If a work order is ongoing or yet to start, the manufacturing order engaged in that specific job cannot be deleted.

  3. You can delete the manufacturing order only if are an account admin, or plant manager, belonging to the same plant to delete the manufacturing order.

What's next?

Once you are done creating the manufacturing order, the next step is to create the work orders for this manufacturing order. Work order refers to the specialized tasks that are to be achieved in order to complete a manufacturing order to meet the customer's demands.

Click the below link to learn more about work order and its features.

For any feedback and enquires on the functionalities of the Manufacturing Order, write to our support team at [email protected]

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