What is Job or Job Order in SFactrix application?
In production environment, Job can be defined as tasks involved in creating a new product or component or any tasks related to product production from the raw materials through manufacturing process.
In SFactrix, Job creation refers to specific tasks/work specializations that are to be accomplished/achieved in order to complete a Work Order. Once the Work Order is created in SFactrix, Jobs are to be assigned to each Job Operator for effective execution of the manufacturing order.
Creating a Job Order helps in scheduling the production using assets to complete specific tasks. Each job can be allocated to one or many Job Operators for flexible production execution. Each job is processed within a stipulated time of production and aids in predicting job completion effectiveness for business excellence. The Job page in SFactrix displays the number of products produced against the total quantity under each Job. Job listing also includes the scrap quantity, the job status and also states the job progress.
Hence, all these exclusive features make SFactrix a complete solution in driving digital transformations to establish smart factories.
Learn more about how to add Job configuration in SFactrix with the below link.
For any queries on what a Job is, write to our support team at [email protected]